routing| redirection. Bypass surgery shrinks your stomach, so you can't eat as much as you used to. Your surgeon will also redirect or bypass part of your digestive system so you don't absorb as much food.
There are several types of bypass surgery إعادة التوجيه
أولاً يقوم الجراح بصنع كيس صغير للمعدة عن طريق تدبيس جزء من المعدة معًا أو عن طريق الربط الرأسي، هذا يحد من كمية الطعام التي يمكنك تناولها.
The doctor then attaches a Y-shaped portion of the small intestine to the pouch, thus creating a bypass for food, so it bypasses part of your digestive system, as a result of which you absorb fewer calories and nutrients.
routing| إعادة التوجيه
Total gastric bypass (pancreatobiliary diversion): This is a more complex type of gastric bypass. The doctor removes the lower part of the stomach, then connects the small pouch that remains directly to the last part of the small intestine, completely bypassing the first two parts.
surgery risksrouting| إعادة التوجيه
People who have undergone bypass surgery| redirection are at risk of developing the following:
The bag expands.
The stomach gets bigger over time, stretching to its original size.
The breakdown of the basic lines, that is, the breakdown of food.
Lack of nutrition, vitamins and minerals, your body will be less able to get nutrients from food.
Binding of the stomach and small intestine causing nausea, vomiting, reflux, and then the inability to eat.
قد تسبب جراحة تحويل المسار أيضًا ” متلازمة الإغراق “، عندما يحدث ذلك ينتقل الطعام بسرعة كبيرة من المعدة إلى الأمعاء الدقيقة، وتشمل أعراض الغثيان والضعف و التعرق والاغماء وفي بعض الأحيان الإسهال بعد تناول الطعام.
It may also lead to gallstones when you lose weight quickly, if this happens your doctor can give you medicine to resolve it.
Because these surgeries change the way your body deals with food, you should talk to your doctor about making sure you get all the nutrients you need.
How is surgery done? Laparoscopic rerouting?
The specialist will make 4 to 6 small cuts in your abdomen.
The scope and instruments needed to perform the surgery are inserted through these openings.
The surgeon views inside your abdomen during the procedure with a camera connected to a video monitor in the operating room.
The advantages of laparoscopy over open surgery include:
Shorter hospital stay and faster recovery
less pain
Small scars and low risk of hernia or infection
What is gastric bypass surgery?
Gastric bypass is a surgical procedure that can help people with obesity lose weight and improve their health. It reduces the size of the stomach and changes the way food is absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, facilitating weight loss. This procedure is also called a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
When should I consider gastric bypass surgery?
If you're obese and have other health problems, and you've often tried to lose weight by dieting and getting plenty of exercise, your doctor may suggest bypass surgery to help with weight loss.
Bypass surgery is a very effective type of surgery for weight loss, but it is not suitable for everyone. Discuss with your doctor which approach is best for you, and talk about what to expect. You can ask:
What is the average weight loss after a year?
What is the average weight loss after 5 years?
What is my period after surgery?
Losing weight after bypass surgery can help reduce problems with type 2 diabetes, asthma attacks and blood pressure, and can help improve heart health.