Home أخبار ساسي| SASI

ساسي| SASI

by Support Yellow Way
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sassi| SASI, is a combination of gastric bypass and gastric bypass, first of all, gastric bypass is performed followed by ligation of the lower part of the stomach with the distal part of the small intestine, the length of the bypass is determined by the amount required for weight loss.

This action will bypass almost half of the food in the first part of the small intestine, which then leads to a lower absorption of fats and sugars, besides, slower digestion of food in the small intestine stimulates the secretion of intestinal hormones, which prompt the brain to stop eating This means that you eat less, Which leads to weight loss.

Advantages of having a Sassi operation| SASI

Studies show that SASI-S can provide greater weight loss compared to the standard gastric sleeve or the traditional Roux en Y gastric bypass. Advantages of SASI are the following:

  1. Combines the advantages of sleeves and overtaking
  2. Weight loss appears to be greater than quantity alone and is at least equivalent to an episode
  3. It may regain less weight than its sleeve in the medium term.
  4. Very strong effect on type 11 diabetes, high cholesterol and lipids
  5. Less risk of baseline leakage as there are fewer baselines than SADI-S
  6. The risk of baseline leakage from the sleeve is reduced as the muscle at the gastric outlet (pyloric) is bypassed.
  7. It reduces GERD because it reduces pressure in the stomach and improves gastric emptying.
  8. Less risk of long-term undernutrition as the duodenum is not excluded
  9. Access to the bile duct to remove gallstones is healthy
  10. Less risk of internal hernia
  11. Reduces hunger by secreting intestinal brake hormones when undigested food hits the distal small intestine
  12. Easily reverses to simple sleeves by stapling through the connection.

Disadvantages of a SASI procedure| SASI

  1. Increased risk of developing bile reflux into the stomach
  2. Leakage or bleeding staple line
  3. malnutrition
  4. yellow bounce
  5. Weight loss may be less than SADI-S
  6. The risk of ulcer formation at the junction between the stomach and small intestine
  7. A relatively new procedure with limited long-term results
  8. This procedure can be reversed back to the sleeve gastrectomy simply by stapling through the joint.

Benefits of SASI surgery

Several studies show that SASI bariatric surgery can provide greater weight loss than a standard gastric sleeve, or traditional gastric bypass.

  • reduce hunger
  • Less serious than nutritional deficiency
  • Gastric sleeve benefits
  • Eating well
  • Digestive continuity is maintained
  • 70-90% diabetes control
  • Still accessing the bile duct (if gallstones need to be removed in the future)
  • Less risk of internal hernia

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