Gastrointestinal tumor surgery Gastrointestinal tumor surgery Gastrointestinal tumors are the most common sarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract and often develop in the stomach as a submucosal tumor. The incidence of gastrointestinal tumors is estimated to be up to 25% of the world population when all small and asymptomatic tumors are included. Because gastrointestinal tumors are not completely different from other submucosal tumors, an excisional surgical biopsy is recommended for tumors larger than 2 cm.
Gastrointestinal tumor surgery جراحة أورام الجهاز الهضمي|
تتكون المبادئ الجراحية لاورام الجهاز الهضمي من استئصال R0 بهامش مخاطي طبيعي، وعدم تشريح العقدة الليمفاوية الجهازية، وتجنب الانثقاب مما يؤدي إلى البذر البروتوني حتى في الحالات ذات المخاطر المنخفضة، تمت الإشارة إلى الجراحة بالمنظار لأورام الجهاز الهضمي التي يقل حجمها عن 5 سم، ويتم توسيع إشارة الجراحة بالمنظار إلى الأورام الأكبر حجمًا إذا أمكن الحفاظ على المبادئ الجراحية.
Simple extragastric resection and various transgastric resection techniques are used for gastrointestinal tumors in favorable locations (the bottom of the body and the side of the greater curvature).
For a lesion in the gastroesophageal junction in the posterior wall of the stomach, resection techniques that preserve organ function have been tried. These methods have a theoretical risk of seeding a ruptured tumor, but this risk has not been evaluated by well-designed clinical trials, while some Clinical trials are underway.
types Gastrointestinal tumors جراحة أورام الجهاز الهضمي|
The most common site for gastrointestinal disease is the stomach (55~60%), although GI tumors occur throughout the GI tract, including the jejunum and ileum (30%), duodenum (5%), and colon (5%). ), rarely in the esophagus, appendix, gallbladder, and organs outside the stomach and intestines, but treatment outcomes have improved significantly since the introduction of some therapies and inhibitors such as tyrosine kinase.
esophageal tumors
stomach tumors
pancreatic tumors
colon tumors
rectal tumors
liver tumors
There are more than one type of tumors within the digestive system, but stomach tumors are the most common, and as we have mentioned in the past, there are many therapeutic discoveries and many treatment candidates for digestive system tumors, but surgery remains the best way to treat, so we decided to talk about it in detail in this article.
Gastrointestinal tumor surgery: stomach tumors
Gastrointestinal tumors can be detected at any age, but they occur most often in adults older than 50 years, with a mean age of 55~65 years, GISTs occur slightly more frequently in men than in women. Gastrointestinal tract in 66.8% of surgically removed submucosal gastric tumors in a national survey in Korea.
symptoms Gastrointestinal tumors
The most common GI symptoms are abdominal pain or dyspepsia, GI bleeding and abdominal tumour, however asymptomatic GI tumors are often found, especially small lesions less than 1 cm (up to 25%) in total gastrectomy specimens from Stomach cancer and autopsy.
Gastrointestinal tumors are often discovered incidentally during computed tomography (CT), endoscopy, or endoscopy of the stomach. Other mesenchymal tumors, including leiomyomas, hemangiomas, neuromas, granulomas of cell tumors, vascular structures (aneurysms, varicose veins), cysts, pseudocysts, tumors of adjacent organs, and even exoskeletons.
If the submucosal tumor is suspected to be a gastro-intestinal neoplasm, and it is larger than 2 ~ 3 cm on endoscopy, surgery is necessary, CT scan and chest X-ray (or CT of the chest) are required to check for metastases, sometimes Endoscopy only detects a small portion of large gastrointestinal tumors, and a CT scan may reveal a much larger mass.
Gastrointestinal tumor surgery are the treatment:
In the early stages, the goal is complete recovery so it is recommended to perform a radical excision until recovery, this is done by removing the tumor with a safety belt with a length of at least 5 cm around the tumor and it is removed from the abdomen, and also the tissues of the lymph nodes around the blood vessels in the stomach are checked , for example:
1- Tumor in the upper third of the stomach: he removes the upper part of the stomach with a tissue and reconstructs the lymph nodes by connecting the rest of the stomach to the esophagus.
2- It is recommended to use a tissue with lymph nodes in the middle third of the stomach to remove the entire stomach and rebuild part of the small intestine and connect it to the esophagus.
3- The last third of the stomach: it is the removal of the last part of the stomach with a seat belt and a handkerchief. There are lymph nodes in the abdomen, and then the small intestine is connected to the rest of the stomach.