الطحال| spleen surgery، استئصال الطحال هو إزالة كاملة للطحال، فالطحال دقيق بحجم قبضة اليد، فهو يوجد تحت القفص الصدري الأيسر بالقرب من المعدة، يعد الطحال جزءًا مهمًا من جهاز الدفاع (المناعي) في الجسم، يحتوي على خلايا الدم البيضاء خاصة التي تقضي على البكتيريا وتساعد الجسم على محاربة الالتهابات عندما تكون مريضًا، كما أنه يقوم بإزالة أو تصفية خلايا الدم الحمراء القديمة من الدورة الدموية في الجسم.
It is called a partial splenectomy if only part of the spleen is removed. The spleen does not grow back after it is removed, unlike some other organs such as the liver.
ما يصل إلى 30 ٪ من الناس لديهم طحال ثانٍ (يسمى الطحال الإضافي)، وتكون في الاغلب صغيرة الحجم ولكنها قد تنمو وتعمل عند استئصال الطحال الرئيسي، في حالات نادرة قد تنفصل قطعة من الطحال بسبب الصدمة، مثل ما يحدث بعد حادث سيارة، إذا تمت إزالة الطحال يمكن أن تنمو هذه القطعة وتعمل.
ما الذي يؤدي إلى استئصال الطحال؟
You may need to have your spleen removed if you sustain an injury that damages the organ, causing its lid to break or rupture. If the spleen ruptures, it can lead to life-threatening internal bleeding. Common causes of a ruptured spleen include car accidents and severe blows to the abdomen during contact sports. Physical activity, such as soccer or hockey.
A splenectomy may also be recommended if you have cancer involving the spleen or certain diseases that affect blood cells. Certain conditions can cause the spleen to enlarge, making the organ more fragile and prone to rupture.
The most common disease-related reason for splenectomy is a blood disorder called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). This is an autoimmune condition where antibodies target platelets. The spleen is involved in making these antibodies and removing platelets from the blood. The spleen can be removed To help treat, other common reasons a person might need to have their spleen removed include:
blood disorders:
Hereditary polycythemia vera (leukocytosis)
Hereditary non-cell hemolytic anemia
hereditary erythrocytosis
Thalassemia (intermediate anemia or thalassemia major)
Vascular problems:
Aneurysm of the splenic artery
A blood clot in a blood vessel in the spleen
cancer :
Leukemia, a blood cancer that affects cells that help the body fight infections.
أنواع معينة من سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية، وهو سرطان يصيب الخلايا التي تساعد الجسم على محاربة الالتهابات.
{the condition}.
Before splenectomy
If your doctor thinks you have a ruptured spleen and you have signs of severe internal bleeding or unstable vital signs, such as low blood pressure, you'll likely have spleen surgery right away.
In other cases, a complete physical exam, blood tests, and abdominal and chest exams will be done before surgery. The exact tests you undergo depend on your age and condition, but may include a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (EKG), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ), and computerized tomography (CT).
You may need to follow a fluid diet and take medications to clean your bowels before the procedure. Do not eat or drink anything the morning of your surgery. Your doctor will give you full instructions.
Before surgery, you will be given medications or a vaccine to prevent bacterial infections from developing after your spleen has been removed.